January 9, 2019 - 11:00amEvent Description
Presenter: Reza Dadashzadeh (advisor: Dr. Matthew Rosengart)
Dr. Dadashzadeh will provide updates on his current projects:
- Watchful Waiting for Incisional Hernias: A Large Single-Institution Descriptive Analysis: A deep-dive into the methodology implemented in identifying an all-inclusive cohort of patients with incisional hernias and incarcerations and some preliminary descriptive statistics.
- Predicating Pathologic Pneumatosis Intestinalis using Convolutional Neural Networks and Radiomics: An innovative use of imaging informatics to assess for ischaemic events
- Lessons Learned from Using Machine Learning to Challenge MELD for Liver Transplant Waitlist Mortality Prediction
- Identifying Incidental Findings from Radiology Reports for Trauma Patients: An Evaluation of Automated Feature Extraction Methods
- Good Eyes vs AIs: Surgeon’s Assessment vs Risk Calculators
Location and Address
UPMC Presbyterian, F-1275 Conference Room