Department of Surgery

The Transcriptomic Response of Immune Cells to Surgical Stress in Young and Aged Patients + Multiomics in Trauma


June 29, 2021 - 9:00am

Event Description

Presenter: Dr. Jillian Bonaroti (advisor: Drs. Timothy Billiar and Matthew Neal)

As the population ages, the rate of surgical procedures being performed in aged patients rises. It has been well demonstrated that age imparts elevated risk of surgical morbidity and mortality. Dr. Bonaroti's research group hypothesizes that age related differences in the immune response to surgical stress play a role. During her talk, Dr. Bonaroti will describe their initial single cell RNAseq experiments evaluating PBMCs from young and aged patients over a perioperative time course surrounding a significant surgical stress. She will also briefly discuss the collaborative ATLAS summer project that involves students ranging from high school to medical school in addition to residents and post-doctoral fellows. This project aims to evaluate the multiomic response to trauma in the setting of the PAMPer trial. 

Location and Address

MS Teams virtual meeting

Meeting logon info has been emailed to Department of Surgery staff. For Pitt and UPMC staff outside the department who wish to access the lecture, please email