Two papers by the ATTACC, ACTIV-4a, and REMAP-CAP Investigators, “Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Heparin in Critically Ill Patients with Covid-19,” and “Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Heparin in Noncritically Ill Patients with Covid-19” recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine were the topic of a National Institutes of Health news release. Matthew D. Neal, MD, FACS, was the co-senior author of the severely ill study, co-first author of the moderately ill study, and co-chair of ACTIV-4a Antithrombotics Inpatient and was interviewed for the news release. The story was picked up by the news publications/websites across the world, including News Medical Life Sciences, Monash University News, News Wise, and European Pharmaceutical Review.
Dr. Neal was also interviewed about this work in the New York Times this past winter: