Education & Training
- MD, Tianjin Medical University, China
- MS, PhD, VRIJE Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Residency (Urological Surgery), 2nd hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin Institute of Urological Surgery, China
Representative Publications
Dr. Xiao's publications can be reviewed through PubMed.
Research, Clinical, and/or Academic Interests
- The ultimate goal of my research is to prevent the occurrence of diabetes in the public and to develop effective treatments for all kinds of diabetic patients, using state-of-the-art cell biology and molecular biology tools.
- My second focus is to generate new beta-cells by promoting beta-cell replication. We have been focusing on the interplay among SMAD, PI3k/Akt/FoxO1, Jak/Stat and other signaling pathways that control beta-cell replication.
- My third focus is to protect beta-cell identity and prevent functional loss of beta-cells during disease-associated stress or aging.
- My fourth focus is on the crosstalk talk between beta cells and other cell types like endothelial cells, duct cells and inflammatory cells.
- My fifth focus is study of cancer stem cells in PDACs and other types of cancer.
- My sixth focus is molecular influence of one autoimmune disease upon another (e.g. T1D, SLE, RA, GD).