Education & Training
- MD, Bari University School of Medicine
- Post-doctoral Fellowship, Department of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Representative Publications
Dr. Gambotto's publications can be reviewed through PubMed.
Research, Clinical, and/or Academic Interests
- Zika vaccine development
- MERS vaccine
- Development of EBOLA vaccine and therapeutics
- Adenoviral-based PEDV vaccine
- PD-I blockade in the context of cancer immunotherapy
- Adenoviral-based H5Nl Influenza vaccine
- RSV and Paramixoviridiae multiantigen vaccine development
- Influenza virus vector development for vaccine applications
- HPV cancer vaccine development
- Adenoviral-based HIV vaccine
- Adenoviral-based SARS vaccine
- Adenoviral mediated cytokines and antigens transfer to dendritic cells
- Novel adenoviral vectors for gene therapy applications
- ChTCR Genetic Engineering of T-Cells