Department of Surgery

Kimberly Cogley to Serve as APSNA President-Elect


Congratulations to Kimberly Cogley, MSN, MBA, Coordinator of the Colorectal and Hirschsprung Center at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC, who has been selected as President-Elect for the American Pediatric Surgical Nurses Association, Inc. (APSNA).

APSNA was founded in 1992 to promote excellence in pediatric surgical nursing practice through educational offerings, nursing research, professional collaboration, and peer support. The professional group’s membership includes over 500 pediatric surgical nursing colleagues who care for children in perioperative, inpatient, outpatient, and office settings. APSNA conducts a yearly scientific conference; confers awards, recognition, and grants; and publishes the Journal of Pediatric Surgical Nursing.

As President-Elect, Kim is next in line to succeed the current APSNA president and will serve a two-year term provide leadership to and oversight of APSNA starting in 2019, followed by a one-year term as Immediate Past President.