Dr. Zenati has been working in clinical research for more than 20 years. He has a comprehensive background in clinical research, including designing complex clinical trials, and prospective, retrospective, translational, and experimental studies. Dr. Zenati has excellent training and experience in conducting state-of-the-art data analysis. Dr. Zenati participated in many large grants of large scale including multicenter studies. Dr. Zenati has been an associate editor and the official senior Biostatistician for the Journal of Surgical research since 2015.
Dr. Zenati is readily available to provide statistical support for external departments. If interested, please contact his Research Administrator, Ana Arita.
Education & Training
- MD, University of Damascus
- MPH, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
- Fellowship in Trauma Research, University of Pittsburgh
- PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Representative Publications
Dr. Zenati's publications can be reviewed through PubMed.
Research, Clinical, and/or Academic Interests
- Clinical outcomes in Trauma, and Critical Care
- Clinical outcomes in surgical oncology
- Clinical outcome in minimally invasive and robotic-assisted surgery
- Clinical outcomes in Vascular surgery, Cardiothoracic, and Transplant surgery
- Quality assurance in hospitals and health services
- Clinical research methodology
- Research in Public Health: Epidemiology and disease control
- Clinical research methodology including study design for large clinical trials
- Biostatistics including data analysis and results interpretation
- Large database creation and management