Department of Surgery

Prehospital Field Triage & Resuscitation


June 23, 2020 - 9:00am

Event Description

Presenter: Andrew-Paul Deeb (advisors: Drs. Josh Brown and Matthew Rosengart)

Dr. Deeb will review the tenets of trauma triage, the balance of over-under-triage, and briefly highlight two projects in process. First, he will explore how EMS providers are performing with triage decision-making and their impact on patient outcomes. Second, he will discuss the challenge of air medical overtriage and identify predictors of overtriage that we can further use to improve AMT triage processes. Lastly, the main focus of his talk will be the content of his lab proposal. He will discuss prehospital resuscitation - the limitations of blood product availability and evidence from the secondary analysis of the PAMPer that should guide crystalloid-based resuscitation of the severely injured patient. 

Location and Address

UPMC Presbyterian, F-1275 Conference Room